The Go to Position in the Go menu lets you move the text cursor to a specific position in the file.
The “byte offset” option counts bytes from the start of the file like the address column does in hexadecimal mode. A negative byte offset counts bytes from the end of the file. You can also go to a byte offset in text mode. In text mode, if the file has a byte order marker, then the byte offset excludes the byte order marker. So byte offset 0 is before the first character in the file.
In text mode, you can move the cursor to a specific line number, column number, or both. You can enter a negative line number to move to a line relative to the end of the file. -1 is the last line, -2 the penultimate line, and so on. You can enter a negative column number to move to a column relative to the end of the line.
If you tick “relative to the old position”, then a positive byte offset, line number, or column number moves the text cursor that many bytes, lines, or columns downward in the file. Negative numbers move the cursor upward.
Tick “select text between old and new positions” to select the text between the position of the text cursor before you used the Go to Position command and the position you had that command move the cursor to. Any other text that was selected before is unselected.
The "expand selection to the new cursor position" option is only enabled if there was a selection before you used the Go to Position command. If you tick it, Go to Position selects the text between the old selection and the new position of the cursor. The text that was previously selected remains selected.