Before requesting technical support, please use the version history to see whether you are using the latest version of EditPad. We take pride in quickly fixing bugs and resolving problems in free minor updates. If you encounter a problem with EditPad, it is quite possible that we have already released a new version that no longer has this problem.
EditPad has a built-in user forum that allows you to easily communicate with other EditPad users. If you’re having a technical problem with EditPad, you’re likely not the only one. The problem may have already been discussed on the forums. So search there first and you may get an immediate answer. If you don’t see your issue discussed, feel free to start a new conversation in the forum. Other EditPad users will soon chime in, probably even before a Just Great Software technical support person sees it.
However, if you have purchased EditPad, you are entitled to free technical support via email. To request technical support, send an email to if you’re using EditPad Lite, or if you’re using EditPad Pro. You can expect to receive a reply by the next business day. For instant gratification, try the forums.
If you have any comments about EditPad, good or bad, suggestions for improvements, please do not hesitate to send them to our technical support department. Or better yet: post them to the forum so other EditPad users can add their vote. While we cannot implement each and every user wish, we do take all feedback into account when developing new versions of our software. Customer feedback is an essential part of Just Great Software.