
(available in EditPad Pro only)

If you regularly use a particular search term, you should add it to your search favorites. To do so, select Search|Favorites|Add Search Term in the menu. Or, click on the downward pointing arrow next to the Favorites button on the search panel, and select Add Search Term in the drop-down menu. The search text, replacement text, and all search options are stored in the favorites. To make it easy to differentiate between search terms, you’ll be asked for a label when adding a favorite search term.

If you click directly on the Favorites button rather than the arrow next to it, the Organize Favorites screen appears. Select a search term and click on the Use button to set the search text, replacement text and search options to those stored in the favorites item. Click the Remove button to delete a favorite.

With the New Folder and Rename Folder, you can organize your favorite search terms into folders. Organizing favorites into folders makes it easier to retrieve the search term you want. To move favorites into a folder, simply drag-and-drop them with the mouse.

See Also

Search menu
Search|Prepare to Search