You can place up to ten numbered bookmarks in every file open in EditPad Pro using the ten Set Bookmark X commands in the Mark menu. You can quickly do so by pressing Shift+Ctrl+1, Shift+Ctrl+2, etc. on the keyboard. When you place a bookmark, you will see a rectangle with the bookmark’s number in the left margin, indicating the bookmark’s position. You can change the rectangle’s and the number’s color by customizing the color palette and changing the “Editor: Bookmark icons” color.
You can remove a bookmark by setting the same bookmark again on the same line. You can move a bookmark to another line simply by setting it on another line. If you set a bookmark on a line that already has another bookmark, the other bookmark is removed and the new bookmark is set.
Though bookmarks are shown in the left margin, they are placed at character positions. Bookmarks stay with the character they were placed at when you edit the file. If you delete the character, the bookmark shifts to the nearest remaining character. If you enter a line break in the middle of the line, the bookmark ends up on the line before or after the line break depending on whether the bookmark was placed with a character before or after the line break.
Bookmarks are not saved into a file when you use File|Save. EditPad Pro does automatically remember the bookmarks you set for all files that are listed in the File|Open submenu, and all files you added to your favorites. Projects also store the bookmarks for all the files in the project. When opening files by opening a project, the files’ bookmarks are restored from the project file. When opening a file without opening a project, its bookmarks are retrieved from the File|Open submenu or the favorites if the file is listed there, even if you didn’t use the File|Open submenu or the Favorites menu to open the file.