Turn on Visualize Spaces in the Options menu if you want spaces and tabs to be visualized. Spaces are indicated by a vertically centered dot. Tabs are indicated by a » character. This option is useful when working with files where extraneous whitespace can lead to problems, or where the difference between tabs and spaces matters.
To change the color of spaces and tabs, customize the color palette and change the “Editor: Whitespace” color. Its text color is only applied to visualized spaces and tabs. But its background color is applied to spaces and tabs whether they are visualized or not. So if you set a background color other than “default” for the “Editor: Whitespace” color then spaces and tabs appear as colored rectangles, with or without their symbol.
Note that “visualize spaces” is a file type specific setting in EditPad Pro. If you change the setting through the Options menu or the toolbar, it is applied to the active file only. If you create a new file or open an existing one then EditPad uses the setting you made on the Editor page for the type of file you are creating or opening. Also, when you use File|Save As to save the file as a different file type, the setting for the current file changes to what you specified for the new file type.
If you change a file’s “visualize spaces” setting, EditPad Pro remembers that when you close and reopen the file if you tick “preserve file settings” on the Save Files page in the Preferences.
Options menu
Convert|Tabs ⇒ Spaces
Convert|Spaces ⇒ Tabs
Convert|Indentation Spaces ⇒ Tabs
File Types|Editor